International co-productions

The purpose of this grant is to facilitate international co-productions and to contribute to the internationalisation and professionalisation of the Dutch performing arts sector. This grant programme replaces the programme for international exchange projects.

submission dates

Apr 25
Jul 25
Sep 25
Start your application at My Fund
Who is eligible for this grant?
Producing organisations such as a music theatre, theatre, dance company or ensemble. Festivals can also apply if they are involved in an artistic/substantive manner with the creation process of the proposed international co-production.

Venues and intermediaries (such as booking offices) are not eligible for the grant, since the programme serves to support the actual development and production of performances and concerts. The applicant must be based in the Netherlands and should engage in a collaboration with a professional organisation abroad.
Assessment criteria
Applications are assessed with reference to the following criteria:

  • Artistic quality;
  • Entrepreneurship;
  • Contribution to international cultural policy;
  • Relevance for the performing arts in the Netherlands.
What can be applied for?
Parties can apply for support for collaborative projects involving a Dutch and a foreign-based organisation.

The maximum sum that can be applied for is 75.000 euros. The grant can be used for personnel, preparation and implementation costs, and for marketing and publication costs. Applicants receiving a multi-year grant from the Performing Arts Fund NL must motivate in their application why they are requesting additional support for the international co-production.

Activities that have already been realised at the time of the application submission will not be supported. Structural investments, such as costs pertaining to business operations, investments in accommodation or the purchase of instruments, will also not be supported.
  • Makers have been active for at least two years and have multiple productions to their name;
  • There is a healthy balance between the artistic and financial input of the parties involved. We will consider the financial strength of the partner abroad;
  • The results must contribute to the development of the performing arts practice in the Netherlands.
  • At least 20% of the costs to be subsidised should be covered by direct income;
  • Applicants may not be recipients of institutional subsidy offered by the Minister of Education, Culture and Science (OCW).
How and when can you apply for a grant?
Applications for the international co-production grant are accepted four times a year. The activity for which a grant is requested cannot start earlier than four months after the submission deadline.

To submit your grant application, you need a password (login code). If you already have a password, you can log in via My Fund/Mijn Fonds. If you don't have a password yet, you can request one here. The creation of a password can take several days.

Prior to submitting your application, please consult the programme explanation and submission guidelines at the bottom of this page.
Per application round, there is a budget of 1.070.000 euros available for international projects. This budget includes the grants for Dutch presentations abroad, international performances and concerts in the Netherlands and international co-productions.
You can view the official programme regulations on (Dutch only). The relevant information is in paragraph 4 of the subprogramme for internationalisation grants. The programme explanation and guidelines are provided at the bottom of this page (PDF files in Dutch).
Draft applications
You can submit a draft application to us before applying for a grant. We can then advise you about your application.

Draft applications are assessed until three weeks before the deadline. Would you like to make use of this option? Then e-mail the draft application to
Have a question about the International co-productions grant scheme? Send us an e-mail via or call us on +31 (0)70-7072700 (Monday to Friday, 9.00-17.00 CET).

Explanation: international co-productions (in Dutch, see paragraph 2c)

Example: short report

Annemieke Keurentjes
Annemieke Keurentjes
Secretary for Internationalisation
Marieke van Wamel
Marieke van Wamel
Grant Coordinator
Ferida Yildiz
Ferida Yildiz
Grant Consultant
Joan Biekman
Joan Biekman
Grant Consultant